August 23 (5 minutes to reflect)
This year I am using the blogs and assigments and not just enrichment/extra credit. It is definitely more work for me and a learning experience (200 kids now blogging to me!). I really thought I would save paper, and I do a little, but I do need to print them and comment, because I want to give them feedback and how else can I do that? I am also finding that the new projectors are AMAZING. I think our department will save a great deal of money because we are all using the projectors instead of overhead transparencies/copies for most assignments. Hey Lindsay, we might just save a forest or two this year!
I think we can brainstorm some ways about giving feedback that maybe wouldn't require printing (although sometimes printing may be the best way). Let's talk about that some at our next session on the 29th (if one of us can remember to bring it up). If you want to do that, it would be helpful if you could briefly summarize what you are having your student do via blogging, as well as maybe bring up an example on the projector for everyone to look at.
I agree that we will probably use less overhead transparencies, but unfortunately the electricity to run those projectors isn't going to make Lindsay - or me - terribly happy either. Maybe if we could convince the students to ride stationary bicycles that are hooked up to generators while they blog . . .
I do not see why you cannot comment directly on their assignments via email or on the blog site itself. Would it be better to have comments out there for every student to see? It may help more students with their work if they know that other students are struggling with the same type of assignments. I also like Karl's idea of bicycles, it would help solve the obesity epidemic also.
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