Kitch's Blog

Sunday, January 03, 2010

How do we start a new year like this?

As I sit an think about heading back to work tomorrow and students on Tuesday I wonder how to start this new semester. How do I help heal the hearts of so many students, parents, teachers and friends? How do I help to make sense out of something that makes none? How can I lend support to those hurting the most? And my answer... I can't.
When I was 16 and a junior in high school I lost one of my best friends. It was October 14th, 1991. It was Monday, the Monday after homecoming. I found out at 6:05 pm. And not a day has gone by that I don't think about Nikki. It seems so ironic that those brightest stars seems to burn out far too soon. I remember the hole I felt in my heart, the hole that is still there. The hole that still brings me to tears when I hear certain songs, see certain movies, and experience big mile stones in my life.
We still celebrate her birthday, every year! August 14th (1975) we come together and share stories, memories, dreams, tears, everything. I still email her family and share in their lives as they share in all of ours. And when we say goodbye to her family we give each other that look. You know that look. The one that says I am still hurting and thinking about her, I still talk to her when I am driving in the car alone, I still miss her all the time.

So, as I wish I had the words to help my students, the families, fellow teachers, the truth is all I have is my support, listening and sympathy to give. I wish I had more that I could do.

In 2011 it will be the 20th year of my friends passing and I cry as I write this as I miss her still. May all of you warriors find strength, love and support from one another.


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