Kitch's Blog

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Be a Do-er Not a Critic
A non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change.
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

I have learned from 21st century to be a doer. I feel like there are many areas in teaching that I can (and have) risk a bit, change a bit and become a better teacher. As many others of you, I would like to say thanks for so much to think about and encouraging and helping me to be a doer.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The survey says.....
Okay, so I'm not sure if it is okay to be blogging about this yet, but I was dying to see what the kids wrote on the end of the year survey for 21st Century. I'm not sure why I was anxious, I just wanted to read and start internalizing some of their feed back. So far, I have only surveyed my year 1 class (mostly freshman) and my year 4 class (an exact mix of senior and juniors). I felt like I wanted to hear from some other people who have read their surveys or read them from last year and get some other thoughts, opinions, and feedback.
I feel a littel disappointed from reading them. It is not that the students gave negative feedback about me or the class; however, I just feel like I don't really know what to think about some of their answers. For every student who said technology didn't help them, there was a student who said it did. For every student who said the class was to "easy", there was a student who said it was too "hard". For every kid who said they liked a certain activity, there was a kid who said they hated it. So where do I go from here???????
All I can think right now is "You can't please all of the students all of the time!" I guess I thought I would get more of an idea of how to improve myself.
(But don't get me wrong there was one little ah, ha's for me, but there were a TON of contradictions that made me a bit frustrated)