Kitch's Blog
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
I am always inspired to evaluate myself when I read what you all wrote :)
Reading Ms. Davis's blog inspired me to do a semester survey with my students asking them to respond to 3 questions that I have been pondering. I asked them to name the class activities in which they feel they learn the most (e.g. feel like they walk away really knowing the material, how to use it, etc.) I also asked them to respond to late work and if it soely promotes laziness and the third thing was they had to write 1-3 thinks they would change about the class.
As usual, some of their answers made me rethink some of my procedures and some of the answers are just surprising. So... I wanted to share a little of what the students shared with me!
1. They love graphic organizers. All of the students responded that organizers help them connect information and put their thoughts and ideas together.
2. Songs and memory helpers. ALL students responded that those little chants/songs are life savers in memorizing necessary rules of language.
3. Almost ALL students responded that late work should not be accepted, or only accepted ONE day late! INTERESTING I know. (They said editing should be allowed if the assignment was turned in on time and good effort was put forth.)
4. A few students thought it would be helpful to do more "busy work" (and yes those are their exact words.)
21st Century has inspired me to constantly ask for feedback from the students and what they think about the LEARNING in the classroom. I think that checking in with students every sememster is a great tool in assessing my teaching. In addition to the others, I would also like to thank 21st Century for encouraging me to constantly evaluate myself, my classroom, my assessments, everything.