What is a "hard" teacher?
Okay so as some of you heard me vent a little at the last 21st century meeting, I am sick to death of the adjectives "easy", "hard" and "fun" being used to describe teachers/classes. We need to expand the students vocabulary as to how they define classes/teachers.
The terms"easy" and "fun" usually give people an image of a ridiculous blow off class in which no "real" or "hard" work is required. And I truly believe that students, parents, other teachers, and administrators that hear these terms think that little to no learning is probably done in these classes.
This really bothers me. Are we saying that learning can't ever be fun? Or that the only definition on fun in a class equals playing games? Isn't it just possible that kids engaged in a class and motivated (due to their own ideas being integrated) is why they classify a class/teacher as "fun"?
Now lets take the adjective "hard". What does that mean? Boring? 20 pages of homework a night? Sheer lack of understanding of the subject matter?
I guess I get tired of people getting incorrect images about classes/teacher because of these types of adjectives being tossed around.
I loved Marlys' comment that we need to then ask the students, "What did you learn from that class/teacher or but did you learn alot? Or... What did you walk away with from that class?"
I guess I am just hoping that we can redefine some of these adjectives and replace them with other ones that really talk about the learning.