Kitch's Blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

As I continue researching the constructivist approach to teaching (including the article for 21st Century) I am finding more helpful information and ideas. I don't think any of us thrive as passive learners. I think we learn the most from our actions. Especially when they turn into mistakes! I read that the average attention span, once someone has sat down in a lecture type setting, is 7 minutes. Then the mind begins to wander and turn off. 7 minutes!!! The research says that at the very least, after 7-10 minutes you should have the audience/students find a friend and share something they've learned. Anyway, back to finding something in the article I can/will/do use. I think I am extremely constructivist in my homework. Usually I have the students construct their own homework based on mistakes they made/are continually making, or based on something that intrests them. Also, I often have students write 10-20 question using the new vocabulary in open ended questions (no yes/no answers) then trade with a good friend. The homework is then to answer those questions in complete sentences. They suddendly become more invested in answering the questions and tend to anwer in more detail (hence using more Spanish!) You gotta love that!


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