So as I continue my research (what's new?) I have been finding more and more thought provoking ideas for me to ponder (as if I don't have enough floating around in my head already!). The most recent article that has me thinking is another article on grading. It talks about the illogical thinking behind letter grades (as opposed to just a percentage number).
The article intrigued my thinking because it talked about how two students could have a 9% separation in their grade and receive the same grade. (e.i. student one = 99%, student 2 = 90%, both receiving an "A" mark. But is their understanding/mastery the same?
On the other hand two students that have a 1% differences could end up with a different letter grades. (e.i student 1 = 90%, student 2 = 89%, each receiving a different grade).
This leads me to many questions: Is it fair to suggest that the 90% student has mastered the content that much better than the 89% student? If this happened in all classes, one would be a 4.0 student, one would be a 3.0 student. Fair? Accurate? Reflecting that one understands the material that much more? All questions I am trying to answer.
I think the more I research, the more confused I become!!!!!
So, is there any way to structure grading so that it's an accurate representation of student learning? Is that even a worthy or necessary goal? Or should our questions revolve more around assessment and feedback . . .?
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