So I know that we all hate the word balance because it implies using things that don't work with things that do (at least that is what I am getting from alot of the conversation out there). Anyway, I partly agree with this. However, I still have a huge question with practice, practice, practice.
I recently read an article about constructivism where the author states that he believes that we can truly be awesome at whatever we choose. The answer/motivation lies within people and their will to be what they want to be. He states that we just have to want it enough to make it happen, it just takes a ton of effort, hard work, dedication and a ton of PRACTICE.)
So here is my question: Sometimes isn't practice just that? Practicing to truly perfect and know something so well that you can recall it without having to think about it? Just as if you ask anyone the first president of America, my guess is not many people actually have to think of the answer, it simply rolls off our tongues.
Just as I hope my students use some of Spanish enough that they start to be able to just answer with out a thought struggle. They heard something enough, used it enough and now it is just part of them.
Anyway, I am really rambling. I guess I still see practice as practice, even if it is meaningful and personal practice it is still repetition of material for the purpose of putting the information to memory. And don't we need this to learn something. Even if we discover something on our own I truly believe we still need to practice it to know/apply/synthesis and make it part of our lasting knowledge.
For some reason in some of our disscussions (not in 21st Century necessarily, but also just around the department) practice seems to have become almost a negative word that implies old school techniques. I hate this, because I think practice is part of constructivism and all learning. How did I learn to play the piano I practiced, even when I invented my own song (which I would constider very constructivist) I still practiced it!!! Can we redifine this word a bit?